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The Healthy Eating & Living Journey

Improving Lifestyle Habits One Healthy Choice At A Time

Hi there, I am the healthy lifestyles nutritionist, Catherine and it is my mission to help individuals work to change their unhealthy eating and living habits.  My goal is to help you rekindle a healthy relationship with food, exercise, and sleep.  I look forward to working with you; to crack your personal code to achieve a lifestyle of health freedom. 


As a result of misguided nutrition education and a lack of lifestyle harmony I too suffered the pit-falls of unhealthy eating and living.  I had to endure the pain of constant digestive issues, weight challenges, fibroids, and poor sleep habits. I struggled with making the healthy eating and living choices I needed, to act like my life is a big deal.  This way of living is discouraging and heartbreaking.


Subsequently, I decided this misguided life was no longer going be my life! The way out; was made in one thought, change my behavior. So, connecting my thoughts, behavior, and eating habits into (a) whole rather than separate pieces doing separate things; healthy living became a way of life and not a distant dream.


I work as The Healthy Lifestyles Nutritionist because I wanted to provide a service that helps my client enjoy food again, live life free from constraints, and avoid unhealthy triggers. Rather I take my clients from a life of uncertainty to a life committed to living with peace-of-mind.


Rest assured that your health journey need not be complicated, overwhelming, or stress inducing.  My client and I will work together to identify and remove healthy eating barriers while learning to create a sustainable and disciplined healthy lifestyle.

I holds my Masters of Science Degree in Complimentary Alternative Medicine, a Bachelor's of Science Degree in Dietetics Foods and Nutrition, I am also, a Licensed Hydrotherapist, Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, and Board Certified Drugless Practitioner.

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